For the first time SAI has undertaken to run a country-wide school championships. There have been numerous outreaches to schools in the past by the individual clubs and members to promote Scrabble in schools as the game is very educational as well as good for developing analytical skills. The Scrabble Association of India has decided to take this a step further by having the Indian School Championships for the first time this year.
The selections are being run at the local level from August – September 2019 in Kolkotta, Pune, Chennai, Mumbai, Vadodara, Delhi and Goa. Top teams from each of these centres will represent their schools in the finals. The Finals will be held parallel to the World English Scrabble Players Championships (WESPAC Goa 2019) which is being hosted by SAI, in collaboration with WESPA in Goa 2019, and is one of the largest scrabble tournaments worldwide, featuring the top players of the world with players from 25 countries. This will give the children a chance not only to play in a great tournament atmosphere but also view the top players in action.
Sudhir Kamath from the Scrabble Association of India is coordinating the championships and for any enquiries you can get in touch by email .
The school finals will be held on the 19th of October 2019 in the Peddem Indoor Stadium, Mapusa, Goa, and international standard air-conditioned stadium.