The SAI Committee for the term 2024-2026:

Harry Bhatia – President
Udayan Grover – Vice President
Rustom Deboo – Secretary
Ritu Chadha – Treasurer
Siddharth Nithyanand – Joint Secretary
Rajiv Antao – Executive Member
Rajeev Menon – Executive Member

Various sub-committees have been formed to handle different streams of work as below:

1) Membership: Rustom, Rajeev Menon
2) External Coordination: Udayan, Harry, Rajiv
3) Policy / Tournament: Udayan, Rajiv, Rustom, Siddharth
4) Finance: Harry, Rajiv, Ritu, Rajeev
5) Content/ communication/ marketing: Ritu, Rustom, Rajeev
6) Schools: Harry, Siddharth, Udayan
7) Ethics: Udayan, Siddharth, Ritu, Rajiv