The General Body has elected the following members to form the Managing Committee for 2018- 2020 at the elections held on 26th May 2018 at the Bayer National Scrabble Championship 2018 in Vashi: Rajiv Antao, Sudhir Kamath, Ashok Bhandarkar, Vidya Goggi, Mohan Chunkat, Shankar Prasad, Harvinderjit Singh Bhatia
Following this the Managing Committee met on 6/2/2018 and have allocated the designations as below:
President: Ashok Bhandarkar
Vice President: Shankar Prasad
Treasurer: Harvinderjit Singh Bhatia
Secretary: Rajiv Antao
Jt. Secretary: Vidya Goggi
Exec. Members: Sudhir Kamath and Mohan Chunkath