Start date: November 15, 2024
End date: November 17, 2024
All-day event
Location: Delhi

Results and stats:


Results from round 25

1Madhav Gopal Kamath19+1926
2Suyash Manchali16+426
3Goutham Jayaraman16+107
4Sumeet Sachdev16-163
5Charles Carneiro15+43
6Aditya Iyengar14+1290
7Udayan Grover14+521
8Ishika Shivalingaiah14+221
9Shubha S13.5+146
10Suresh Chinnaiyah13+1339
11Sunny Bhatia13+15
12Lear Jet De La Cruz13-153
13Sanjoy Gupta11(+1)+419(+1)
14Amit Sood12-95
15Sujana Somasekar12-265
16Douglas Lobo12-793
17Vignesh S11.5-124
18Samarth Manchali11.5-501
19Rajeev Menon11-147
20Siddharth Nithyanand11-181
21Nidhi Singhvi11(+0)-604(+0)
22Pankaj Bolaki10-99
23Danish Shahna10-848
24Anand Buddhdev9-434
25Sudhir Kamath8.5(+0)-448(+0)
26Archana Aggarwal6(+0)-1598(+0)

Bye treatment explained in brackets

High game:Suresh Chinnaiyah687


Results from round 25

1Ela Ghose19+1846
2Dipankar Chatterjee17.5+1279
3Komal RG17+208
4Rajiv Antao16.5+791
5Gajanan Patil16+1045
6Ahana Goyal14+538
7Abhijit Shilotri14+281
8Ritu Chadha13+241
9Monica Agarwala13-89
10Neelanjana Bid13-246
11Asha Namdev Kamath12+351
12Tanvi Binani12-204
13Arvind Lath11-191
14Shalini Sahdev9-212
15Gaurav Bhargava9-393
16Aruna Grover9-793
17Dev Garg6-2603
18Akshay HIremath4-1849
High game:Rajiv Antao594


Results from round 14

1Shiv Talwar12(+2)+2336(+2)
2Amay Gupta9(+2)+725(+2)
3Anjana Neira Dev8(+1)+829(+1)
4Suguna Dandi7(+1)+853(+1)
5Sanchita Bid7(+1)+43(+1)
6Sharv Jain7(+1)-79(+1)
7Prakhar Asthana7(+1)-117(+1)
8Swapnil Dixit3(+1)-940(+1)
9Param Sen3(+0)-673(+0)
10Aparajita Sabesan2(+1)-1194(+1)
11Yekrittha Karthik2(+1)-1783(+1)

Bye treatment explained in brackets

High game:Amay Gupta630

Stats for Tournament: 16.11.2024 Delhi2024 generated by Linrat (linear) 2.30
Prior data from MASTERS.RT2 after masters.tou (20241011)

| State Name | National | State | Wins | Rating Points |
| | Old New | Old New | Exp Act | Old Change New |
+Section A + + + 25 games + +
| DEL Madhav Gopal Kamath | 4 3 | 1 1 | 16.9 19.0 | 1673 +43 1716 |
| BLR Suyash Manchali | 16 9 | 2 1 | 11.2 16.0 | 1452 +97 1549 |
| OSI Goutham Jayaraman | 8 6 | 2 2 | 14.0 16.0 | 1560 +41 1601 |
| OS Sumeet Sachdev | | 13 10 | 9.9 16.0 | 1404 +122 1526 |
| OSI Charles Carneiro | 9 8 | 3 3 | 13.9 15.0 | 1532 +22 1554 |
| PUN Aditya Iyengar | 3 5 | 1 1 | 17.8 14.0 | 1676 -74 1602 |
| PUN Udayan Grover | 12 12 | 2 2 | 13.6 14.0 | 1483 +8 1491 |
| BLR Ishika Shivalingaiah | 17 13 | 3 2 | 12.1 14.0 | 1451 +39 1490 |
| BLR Shubha S | 32 27 | 10 9 | 9.9 13.5 | 1246 +73 1319 |
| OS Suresh Chinnaiyah | | 3 5 | 18.6 13.0 | 1740 -110 1630 |
| DEL Sunny Bhatia | 7 10 | 2 2 | 16.4 13.0 | 1592 -67 1525 |
| OS Lear Jet De La Cruz | | 11 12 | 14.5 13.0 | 1494 -28 1466 |
| PUN Amit Sood | 24 19 | 3 3 | 9.2 12.0 | 1325 +56 1381 |
| BLR Sujana Somasekar | 20 20 | 5 5 | 13.0 12.0 | 1393 -19 1374 |
| GOA Douglas Lobo | 14 16 | 1 1 | 14.7 12.0 | 1460 -53 1407 |
| BLR Vignesh S | 29 22 | 9 6 | 8.5 11.5 | 1278 +61 1339 |
| BLR Samarth Manchali | 56 34 | 17 11 | 4.5 11.5 | 1074 +150 1224 |
| HYD Rajeev Menon | 27 28 | 2 2 | 11.9 11.0 | 1319 -16 1303 |
| BLR Siddharth Nithyanand | 22 25 | 7 7 | 12.1 11.0 | 1347 -23 1324 |
| BLR Pankaj Bolaki | 21 30 | 6 10 | 12.9 10.0 | 1358 -58 1300 |
| BLR Danish Shahna | 41 36 | 12 12 | 8.4 10.0 | 1183 +32 1215 |
| OS Anand Buddhdev | | 15 16 | 13.8 9.0 | 1391 -96 1295 |
+————————–+———–+———+-24 games -+—————-+
| BLR Sanjoy Gupta | 10 14 | 1 3 | 13.8 11.0 | 1528 -56 1472 |
|xOSI Nidhi Singhvi | 13 21 | 5 5 | 16.2 11.0 | 1468 -104 1364 |
|xDEL Sudhir Kamath | 34 41 | 4 5 | 10.8 8.5 | 1235 -46 1189 |
|xDEL Archana Aggarwal | 70 68 | 9 9 | 4.5 6.0 | 991 +31 1022 |
+Section B + + + 25 games + +
| DEL Ela Ghose | 49 44 | 7 7 | 16.5 19.0 | 1119 +51 1170 |
| BLR Dipankar Chatterjee | 53 50 | 16 17 | 15.8 17.5 | 1088 +33 1121 |
| DEL Komal RG | 65 57 | 8 8 | 15.1 17.0 | 1038 +38 1076 |
| GOA Rajiv Antao | 46 51 | 4 4 | 17.4 16.5 | 1136 -19 1117 |
| BLR Gajanan Patil | 78 72 | 22 21 | 12.9 16.0 | 920 +62 982 |
| DEL Ahana Goyal | 91 84 | 11 10 | 11.4 14.0 | 826 +52 878 |
| BLR Abhijit Shilotri | 75 76 | 21 22 | 14.7 14.0 | 960 -14 946 |
| MUM Ritu Chadha | 82 82 | 19 19 | 13.1 13.0 | 903 -1 902 |
| BLR Monica Agarwala | 84 83 | 25 25 | 12.1 13.0 | 861 +17 878 |
| DEL Neelanjana Bid | 97 92 | 13 12 | 11.6 13.0 | 803 +28 831 |
| KER Asha Namdev Kamath | 89 90 | 2 2 | 12.4 12.0 | 847 -8 839 |
| DEL Tanvi Binani | 103 96 | 14 13 | 10.5 12.0 | 771 +30 801 |
| RAJ Arvind Lath | 83 89 | 1 1 | 12.0 11.0 | 863 -21 842 |
| DEL Shalini Sahdev | 93 106 | 12 14 | 12.4 9.0 | 820 -68 752 |
| BLR Gaurav Bhargava | 94 107 | 27 30 | 12.3 9.0 | 817 -67 750 |
| PUN Aruna Grover | 114 118 | 9 10 | 9.9 9.0 | 730 -18 712 |
| DEL Dev Garg | 128 135 | 18 20 | 8.1 6.0 | 596 -43 553 |
| DEL Akshay Hiremath | 139 148 | 20 23 | 6.7 4.0 | 532 500 |
+Section C + + + 13 games + +
| DEL Anjana Neira Dev | 142 141 | 21 21 | 7.8 8.0 | 517 +5 522 |
|^BLR Suguna Dandi | 129 140 | 39 43 | 9.4 7.0 | 593 -70 523 |
|^DEL Sharv Jain | 173 173 | 26 26 | 7.6 7.0 | 500 500 |
|DEL Prakhar Asthana | 185 | 37 | 7.0 | 500 |
|DEL Aparajita Sabesan | 183 | 35 | 2.0 | 500 |
|DEL Yekrittha Karthik | 184 | 36 | 2.0 | 500 |
+————————–+———–+———+-12 games -+—————-+
| DEL Shiv Talwar | 135 121 | 19 17 | 7.6 12.0 | 547 +108 655 |
|^DEL Amay Gupta | 159 130 | 24 19 | 6.7 9.0 | 500 +79 579 |
|xDEL Sanchita Bid | 174 174 | 27 27 | 7.1 7.0 | 500 500 |
|DEL Swapnil Dixit | 182 | 34 | 3.0 | 500 |
+————————–+———–+———+- 8 games -+—————-+
|xDEL Param Sen | 177 177 | 30 30 | 4.8 3.0 | 500 500 |

Tournament placings by wins and margins.

  • denotes a previously unrated player
    ^ denotes a player with fewer than 50 rated games
    x denotes a player who forfeited
    The floor of 500 was imposed in section B
    The floor of 500 was imposed in section C
    Suguna Dandi ( 593) played 7/13 unrated players.

15th-17th November following the Asia Cup Youth Scrabble Championships 2024

Scrabble Association of Delhi  

(Affiliated with SAI and WESPA) 

9th Delhi Open Scrabble Championship 

(Friday 15th, Saturday 16th, Sunday 17th November 2024, New Delhi) 


A – Open  

B – SAI rating 1150 and below 

C – SAI rating 650 and below 

D – Only Unrated players can participate  




  1. Assignment to divisions will be based on SAI ratings as on Oct 1, 2024
  1. Only if SAI ratings are not available, WESPA ratings will be considered. If neither SAI nor WESPA ratings are available, Sadel will decide on the player’s division based on the player’s Woogles/ISC history or performance in face-to-face games.  
  1. Winner and first-runner-up of last year’s B, C and D divisions must play in one division above. This is mandatory, regardless of their current rating. 
  1. Organizers reserve the options to move participants up a division if needed to deliver an optimal tournament experience. 


The tournament will be held at the  

Alpina Hotels & Suites  

E 506, GK-II, Savitri Cinema Road 

New Delhi – 110048 

Greater Kailash II (popularly known as GK-II) is a very cosmopolitan part of Delhi, with plenty of highly regarded food and beverage options in easy walking distance, ranging from street food to award-winning fine dining restaurants and bars. M-block market in GK-II is a major shopping destination and is a 10 minute walk / 5 minute drive from the venue. 

November in Delhi is expected to have very pleasant weather, with maximum temperatures in mid-20s and minimum around 15 degrees, and no rain. Make sure to pack a light jacket for the nights! 

Contact Person for booking Alpina Hotels: Mr. Sambhi: +91 96679 37666 


Word List: Collins Scrabble Wordlist (CSW21

Challenge: 5-point penalty per word, the player does not lose turn. 

Rating: A and B divisions will be SAI and WESPA rated. C division will be SAI rated. D division will be unrated.  

The organizers reserve the right to change the number of games if required and this would be communicated accordingly.  In particular, if 18 games aren’t finished on Day 2, then tournament will be restricted to 24 games in all 

Decisions made by the Tournament Director are final regarding pairings, repeats and Gibsonization of players. (Default win margins for Gibsonization are 250 for 1 game, average of 175 for 2 games, and average of 150 for 3 games and above) 


The tournament will start at 8:30 am on 15th November.  

Games start at 9.00 am every day. Games will end by 7 PM or earlier on Friday and Saturday, and by 4.45 PM on Sunday.   

Prize distribution from 5.00 pm to 5.30 pm on Sunday, 17th November 2024. 

Divisions A & B (3 days, 25 games) 

  • Nov 15th – 8.30 am: attendance/ fellowship, games to start at 9.00 am. 
  • 9 games each on Nov 15th and 16th and 7 games to be played on day 3 (Nov 17th)
  • Swiss pairings for first two days, with repeats from day 2. KOTH pairing on Day 3. 
  • Gibson rules apply. 

Division C (2 days, 14 games) 

  • Nov 16th – 8.30 am: reporting time, games to start at 9.00 am. 
  • 8 games on Nov 16th and 6 games to be played on day 2 (Nov 17th). 
  • Swiss pairing for first 10 games. Repeats possible after Game 5. KOTH pairing for last 4 games. 
  • Gibson rules apply. 

Division D – Enthusiasts (1 day, 6 games) – This division is contingent on the number of Registrations 

  • Bring your friends and family to the “Enthusiasts” Division – 1 day, 
  • 6 games on Sunday Nov 17th, 2024 
  • Nov 17th – 9.00 am: reporting time, games to start at 9.30 am. 
  • Swiss pairings for all 6 games, with no repeats.  

Registration Fees:  

 Division A  Division B Division C Division D 
SAI Members  INR 5000 INR 5000 INR 3000 INR 1000 
Non-Members  INR 5500 INR 5500 


INR 2 lakhs guaranteed prize pool.
Prizes are subject to tax deduction at source as per Indian laws. 

Food &Beverages 

Registration fees include lunch, tea-time snacks, tea, coffee, and drinking water. Both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food will be served at the venue.   

Registration Process 

Fill the form here: and send your registration fees as indicated above to complete your registration. No refund of fees will be made after Oct 31st, 2024. 

Payments can be made using the above QR code.  Once paid, please send screenshots receipts to Archana Aggarwal  +91 9810194685 via whatsapp or email at