About SAI

The Scrabble Association of India

You are probably here because of your love for Scrabble. Regardless of your level of proficiency, we hope to help you enjoy the world of Scrabble even more, and if you so desire, help you along in becoming a better player too.

Here is a little background about this wonderful game that has brought us together. Scrabble is a mind sport, which promotes logical thinking and analytical abilities. The game was invented by Alfred Mosher Butts during the 1930s Depression in the United States of America, and is now the world’s most popular word game. This very popular family game is a great relaxant and is attracting increasing interest worldwide.

In India there are active Scrabble clubs in locations such as Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Goa, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune and Vadodara. Members of these clubs usually meet once a week for a few games. The Scrabble Clubs section on this site has resources on how to contact these clubs should you want to join in the weekly fun and games. If your city does not have a club and you would like to start one, contact us and we will help put you in touch with other Scrabble lovers in your city.

SAI is the apex body that co-ordinates Scrabble tournaments in India, maintains player ratings, interacts with overseas Scrabble organisations as the country representative and selects players to represent India in international tournaments. Some of the other objectives of SAI are promotion of the game of Scrabble, developing a tournament circuit, enhancing the quality of Scrabble players at all levels, enhancing the prestige and status of Scrabble (we want it to have the same status as chess as a mind sport), and raising funds for all these activities.

We are a relatively new organisation in the process of building a foundation, and we seek active participation of our members to suggest ideas to meet the aforesaid objectives as well as participation in the execution of these ideas. 

Many of the original members are tournament players. If you have never played a Scrabble tournament, look out on this site for news of upcoming tournaments in your city. As you meet other players, you will find that many of them play fancy words that you would not have heard before or worse still – they have no idea what the meaning is. The rules of Scrabble do not require you to know meanings. In order to improve one’s game, one has to learn several new words – the choice is yours whether to learn them with meanings or not.

Regardless, the fun of making new words with the tiles on your rack, extending a word on the board to make a new one, or cracking a bingo with all seven tiles on your rack is still the same. The world of words is fascinating, entertaining and intellectually invigorating. Join in the fun.

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