The Scrabble Association of India provides ratings for tournaments across India. We have revised the criteria for rating of tournaments, and host associations/organisers can apply for any tournament to be rated, which meets the following criteria:
- A minimum of 7 games and 12 players
- Tournaments should follow the WESPA rules (ref.
- An experienced Tournament Director (TD) who ensures that all WESPA rules are followed
– In case of playing TD’s (for smaller tournaments only, not for 3 days) there should be at least 2 TD’s designated, with one being the primary, and a secondary for instances involving the first or when the primary is busy. - At least 50% of the players have to be SAI-rated
- All games need to be played with timers
- All pairings and results to be compiled and provided electronically (e.g., TSH / Au Pair)
- Rating fees to be paid: 1day- Rs.50, 2days- Rs.100, 3 days – Rs.150, 4 days and above – Rs.250 per player. Note that Rating fees are to be paid for all players in a tournament regardless of whether they are SAI members or not.
- Scheduling of 3 day tournaments should consider avoidance of clashes with other tournaments, SAI will help organisers find mutually agreeable dates with a minimum of a 3 week gap from another tournament. In case a mutually agreeable date is not found SAI reserves the right not to rate one of the tournaments, as a guideline it will be the first tournament that was scheduled that will remain rated. This has been put in place so that new tournaments do not poach players from set tournaments.
- Actual acceptance for a tournament to be rated is at the discretion of the SAI Managing Committee.