Date: April 14, 2024
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am


Results from round 7

1Sudhir Kamath6+583
2Madhav Gopal Kamath5+577
3Ela Ghose4(+1)+188(+1)
4Ahana Goyal3(+1)+306(+1)
5Sunny Bhatia4+237
6Tanvi Binani3(+1)+138(+1)
7Tinimo Efere3(+1)+12(+1)
8Shalini Sahdev3(+1)-175(+1)
9Archana Aggarwal3+322
10Sharv Jain3-292
11Param Sen3-688
12Anantikaa Gaba2-346
13Amyra Bharti Aggarwa2-579
14Romilla Akham0(+1)-283(+1)

Bye treatment explained in brackets

High game:Sudhir Kamath539

Tournament Stats:

Stats for Tournament: 17.04.2024 Unnamed Event generated by Linrat (linear) 2.30
Prior data from KAIZEN_2.RT2 after kaizen_2.tou (20240315)

| State Name | National | State | Wins | Rating Points |
| | Old New | Old New | Exp Act | Old Change New |
+Section A + + + 7 games + +
| DEL Sudhir Kamath | 34 29 | 3 3 | 4.4 6.0 | 1257 +32 1289 |
| DEL Madhav Gopal Kamath | 5 5 | 1 1 | 5.6 5.0 | 1671 -11 1660 |
| DEL Sunny Bhatia | 14 15 | 2 2 | 4.8 4.0 | 1486 -16 1470 |
| DEL Archana Aggarwal | 65 69 | 8 8 | 4.8 3.0 | 1010 -35 975 |
|^DEL Sharv Jain | 194 194 | 30 30 | 3.5 3.0 | 500 500 |
|DEL Param Sen | 197 | 32 | 3.0 | 500 |
|DEL Anantikaa Gaba | 199 | 34 | 2.0 | 500 |
|DEL Amyra Bharti Aggarwa | 198 | 33 | 2.0 | 500 |

+————————–+———–+———+- 6 games -+—————-+

| DEL Ela Ghose | 59 57 | 6 6 | 3.4 4.0 | 1056 +13 1069 |
| DEL Ahana Goyal | 99 98 | 12 12 | 2.8 3.0 | 808 +4 812 |
| DEL Tanvi Binani | 111 108 | 14 14 | 2.2 3.0 | 755 +16 771 |
| DEL Shalini Sahdev | 97 96 | 11 11 | 2.5 3.0 | 810 +10 820 |
+————————–+———–+———+- 5 games -+—————-+
|xDEL Tinimo Efere | 118 117 | 15 15 | 2.2 3.0 | 706 +25 731 |
+————————–+———–+———+- 3 games -+—————-+
|DEL Romilla Akham | 200 | 35 | 0.0 | 500 |

Tournament placings by wins and margins.

  • denotes a previously unrated player
    ^ denotes a player with fewer than 50 rated games
    x denotes a player who forfeited
    The floor of 500 was imposed in section A
    Sharv Jain ( 500) played 4/7 unrated players.
    Anantikaa Gaba (88) played 4/7 unrated players.
    Romilla Akham (0) played 2/3 unrated players.